American Life Antiques
Pewter flatware basins
Pewter mugs tankards beakers
Pewter tableware
Pewter porringers
Pewter church communion
Pewter lighting and misc
Painted tinware
Iron brass copper
Antiques and reference books
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About the shop
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Antiques and other reference books
Pewter at Colonial Williamsburg
Pewter in American Life
Colonial Williamsburg revised
by Kopper, Clay
Worldly Goods by Jack L. Lindsey
The NEW Pewter Marks and Old
Pewterware by Markham, F.S.A.
Collecting American Pewter by
Katherine Ebert
American Decorative Arts and Paintings
in the Bayou Bend Collection
Pewter In America - Its Makers &
Their Marks by Ledlie I. Laughlin
Pewter At The Victoria And Albert
Museum by Anthony North